Why subscribe?

My goal is to add as much value as possible to your life — thoughts, mind, decisions, discussions, coolness, work, and just livingness.

Having been an entrepreneur and building vision for a long time, I’ve been fortunate to have worked in many diverse industries. I’ve had my fair share of miraculous wins, success, and wealth, and certainly been through a few of my own dumpster fires.

When you subscribe, I am grateful to have the honor and opportunity to consume a small amount of your time to add value to yours.

Stuff Talked About

I only talk about what I know. Stuff that I have experienced, what works, what doesn’t, and what’s happening. A big focus is on entrepreneurship, capital markets, and technology. I’ll never claim to be an expert at what I don’t know, so you’ll never hear a bunch of fluff about stuff that I have no clue about. Like politics. Rocket science. Indigenous people. And 7,098 other languages.

Eyes, Ears, Time & Tears

I can only bring you value if you find value in what I publish for you. Whether an article, newsletter, podcast, or video, I value your time and emotions, both of which I hope to engage.

If you want to hear more, something different, or reach out to me, always feel free to communicate by leaving a comment and your info, and I will always respond as soon as I can. Thanks for reading.

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A forum of insights that breaks down the world of startups. Read by first-time entrepreneurs, seasoned founders, investors, and industry pros, this forum serves all interests and these insights can help just about anyone.


On a mission to help a million startups help a billion people—career entrepreneur and working with a great team building, investing, and growing vision. Feel free to read more at www.jasonbennick.com.